Hi, photoshop world!
I hope everyone is doing well and is in good health and safety.
I am currently writing a column about how the sports world is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But how the world also can use this time to think more about the future of their sport.
I would like to use a picture as a header for this column and I need your help with it!
As you might all have heard the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games have been postponed due to the COVID-19. I would like to combine the COVID-19 symbol into the Tokyo logos as an illustrator of how the games affected by the COVID-19.
So the original Tokyo logo's with the COVID-19 protrusions on it.

I hope everyone is doing well and is in good health and safety.
I am currently writing a column about how the sports world is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But how the world also can use this time to think more about the future of their sport.
I would like to use a picture as a header for this column and I need your help with it!
As you might all have heard the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games have been postponed due to the COVID-19. I would like to combine the COVID-19 symbol into the Tokyo logos as an illustrator of how the games affected by the COVID-19.
So the original Tokyo logo's with the COVID-19 protrusions on it.