Hello, I was wondering if someone would be able to make logo for me? My Photoshop skills are terrible so I figured this would be the best place to ask for help.
Main Points:
I would like it to say CoKe Time with a capital K.
Pixels 184 x 184.
Main colors to be used are red, white, and black.
The CoKe Time abbreviation "CT" thrown in there somewhere.
Here's a good example of how I would like it to look:
It doesn't even have to look amazing, I just want something that looks polished.
Now I know this isn't an easy thing to do (I tried, looked terrible) and I doubt anyone will take time out of there day to help some random person on the internet. So for anyone who does help me I want to thank you so very much.
Also, for someone that does help me, let me know if you have a Steam account because I will be able to reward you with a game. That's the only way I know to able to reward a random person on the internet. If you don't have a Steam account but still want a PC or Mac game I could send the game to your email and you could create a Steam account later to play your game. Or I could even use another service like Direct2Drive if you do not like Steam. I would really like to give the person that does this for me something in return.