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some random tiger eye thing i did


Retired Forum Moderator
hard to explain what cam over me when i did this, it was impulse
C&C welcome
i dunno.jpg

another one slightly off topic that was like i dunno 20 seconds of messing around with brushes :P
new wallpaper.jpg
thanks agent! :D

yeah, i was thinking something spacey, for the second one but who knows, i'll wait for another impulse
Those are really cool zealex, especially the blue one! I agree with Agent Moeller that it would probably stand out more if you put more intensity on the eye. :)
the ayes have it or should i say, eyes?
my amber eyed friend.jpg
i have this odd new system of what music i was listening to when i was creating my pieces, you can listen to them or leave them, it's up to you but the peice for this was very powerful.
Nice job Zeealex! The high lite in the eye did it! The music, I guess he must be Norwegian due to his name and the music sounds a bit like what the sami people have been in to . I had a CD on some disk here that was a bityt similar but now i couldn´t find it. Magni something... but i couldn´t find it on youtube either. Well, nice music for creativity it is!
I like the change in the tiger eye. I was just going to suggest that you add some contrast, maybe to the wispy threads. It might still help to balance the composition to add some brightness. Nice stuff for "random!"
XD thanks clare, i'll see what i can do about adding contrast to the threads and get some brightness in there. :D
thanks agent :D
My Amber Eyed Friend Bricont.jpg
i tried a mess around on the brightness and contrast, and god knows how, i made it darker!
Nice job Zeealex! The high lite in the eye did it! The music, I guess he must be Norwegian due to his name and the music sounds a bit like what the sami people have been in to . I had a CD on some disk here that was a bityt similar but now i couldn´t find it. Magni something... but i couldn´t find it on youtube either. Well, nice music for creativity it is!
thanks Fenix! and Thomas is from norway! good guess! he composes great music i love him
magni cours?
