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Heya, Not really a new user, If anyone remembers some of my work? But recently me and a mate have got toether and I am designing a graphic base for his website. I have the genral design set out but I'm wondering if there is another way to creat curves instead of using circles and pressing ctrl-] to make it smother? I need a really clean cut curve but I can't figure out how to do it! I'll stick some work in progress pictures up so you can alll help! Lol. Thanks to all you great artists.
I suggest to learn how to use the pen tool!
this is the undisputed king for curves...
I hasd a mess with the pen tool the other day..lol..Oh my..erm..got any oages where it tells you how to use it and not just makes a page full of loops?! LOL...So I am still "new" then..heh. Thanks.
Most of the pages make you do simple curves, because practice is the way to learn!

See the links board, I posted a thread (click here) about pen tutorials.

In the meantime, see those excellent tips:

Gustavo Sanchez, a member of the User2user forum, gave me his kind permission to repost some of his excellent tips about the pen tool:

"This is one of those things that is dead easy to explain if both people are together in the same room and you can exactly see what the other is doing.

However, I'll try to explain how I do paths. If other people feel like adding up their experiences and tricks, those who have doubts will make themselves a reasonably fair idea of how to dow paths and what for.

1. I am talking about Photoshop and paths.

2. Use TAB frequently to hide ALL palettes.

3. Insist a lot in using CTRL+PLUS (numeric keyboard) and CTRL+MINUS to zoom in and zoom out CONSTANTLY. Readjusting view pays back when tracing with the pen.

4. We tend to have a good direction and a bad direction when tracing. I don't know why but I tend to trace better when I do it from left to right and from top to bottom. Learn your direction and adapt your working habits.

5. [IMPORTANT] Don't click new anchor points 'dry'. Always click, mantain the mouse button pressed and drag a little in the natural direction the path is going to follow. So, you'll create handlers and they'll be in the needed direction.

6. When making this dragging, try to follow the natural direction of the contour if it's a curve, that will save extra points and the shape will be smoother.

7. Avoid extra points like the pest: Printing devices hate them.

8. When reaching a turning point in the countour, avoid dragging. The usually cause an undesired bowell shape.

9. If you are following a curve, and you see the last point should have been in another position, still holding CTRL, click it, move it, reposition the handle as needed and then continue drawing.

10. You don't need to abandon the path to make zoom or move the picture inside the screen (use scroll bars or the navigator palette, as you wish).

11. If you need to abandon the path for a while, to get back to work, click again in the last point so that it turns black and then go ahead.

12. Don't get crazy with exactitude. Printing precision is the limit to what you need. Excess of accuracy in a tracing path is just bloating the file.

13. In case of doubt with the countour, make the path a little tiny bit inside the shape. If you leave 'other things' inside the path, they will show afterwards as a weird halo.

14. A path is not the end. You can turn it into a mask and then refine it with transparency, soft borders in some zones and the like.

15. When making a path, sometimes the image is too dark and you cannot tell the background from the picture itself. However, if you apply curves in some wacky way, most of times, there is a curves shape where you can differenciate them. Apply a temporary curves layer in those cases.

Hope this helps"
Thanks for the tips! I made a curve! bwhaha! What's your opinion on the actually design anyway sPECtre? Any crit will be greatly recieved. thanks again for your help with the pen tool. :righton:
Yes, the pen tool is not easy, but do practice, you won't regret it.
As for your design, I notice partial transparency. you will not be able to acheive similar result on your design, as far as I know.
The desing looks quite complicated, and I'm rather fond of minimalistic interfaces, so you should maybe ask someone with webdesign experience...
