Hi Greg, welcome to the forum. We're at all levels of PS skill and knowledge here so you fit right in. I'll give you the first approach I'd try. Any method is trial and error, be forewarned. Also, any idea can be accomplished more than one way, so others will have different ideas for you to try. Choose what you're comfortable with doing.
Looking at your image it appears that flames are prominent as opposed to smoke. I have used actual fire photos for effect, but for this kind of image, I would suggest flame and smoke brushes. Then to draw in the hazier but jagged edged glow, I'd explore some of the default brushes, either the bristle brushes or the irregular shapes, like sponge. Also use a zero hardness round brush at very low opacity to build up some of the general haziness.
Try adding inner and outer glows to the flame and smoke strokes. On either fx use a low or zero spread and play with size. On inner glow, switch to center. On both of these, mess around with the blend mode and opacity and see if something works better than screen at 75%. Maybe not, but I always check.
Be sure you're doing these on separate layers and you probably want one both above and below the text. Adding a glow effect to the text may also be useful (incidentally, there are all kinds of tuts for fire text and so on, if you want more than smoke and/or flames coming off your text).
Then see what adding a guassian blur to any of the layers will do. It may or may not be effective. If you don't like the blur, ctl/cmd +z or you can make the layer a smart object. That way you can turn the filter on or off and alter it at will.
Hope this helps. If you have something more specific in mind, see if you can find another image to demonstrate. But like I said, you'll be hearing more ideas I'm sure.