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smart objects in cs2


New Member
I am new to pscs2 and have cme across the term "you can save this as a smart object" after looking at the help screens, I couldn't find anything on this subject. Jst what is a "smart object?"
Welcome Robbm 8))

Robbm said:
I couldn't find anything on this subject. Jst what is a "smart object?"

Google: smart objects photoshop


Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780,000

CS3 help, which is pretty similar as for CS2 help when it comes to explaining smart objects:

Your search for smart objects in Photoshop CS3 found 42 results

About Smart Objects (see screenshot below)
Replace the contents of a Smart Object
Export the contents of a Smart Object
Duplicate a Smart Object
Edit the content of a Smart Object
Create Smart Objects
Convert a Smart Object to a layer
About placing files
About nondestructive editing
Group layers in a video or animation (Photoshop Extended)
Unlinking layers and masks
Photoshop CS3 videos
About layers
Using filters
Creating an image stack (Photoshop Extended)
Rasterize layers
About image stacks (Photoshop Extended)
Copy between applications
Apply transformations
3D files in Photoshop (Photoshop Extended)
Prepare images for use in After Effects
Extract an object from its background
Reorder, duplicate, or delete Smart Filters
About Smart Filters
Hide Smart Filters
Create layers and groups
Automatically align image layers
Blur filters
Apply a Smart Filter
About high dynamic range images
Place a video or image sequence (Photoshop Extended)
Mask Smart Filters
Apply a filter from the Filter menu
Paste Adobe Illustrator art into Photoshop
Transform video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Use a script to create an image stack (Photoshop Extended)
Apply or delete a layer mask
Place PDF or Illustrator files in Photoshop
Move, hide, or invert a selection
Apply filters from the Filter Gallery
Open PDF files
Animation palette overview


So you couldn't find anything?
