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smart object in cs2 and cs 4 are different so help me!!!!


wel i asked for help wid lot ppl but stil my prob is not solved. wel i've been woking in cs2 and thos time i was updated wid cs version but since cs3 and cs4 launched i'm not able to update myself coz they've changed smart object setting from cs3.
wel my prob is;
in cs2, i use smart object lot to replace image i mean i have to make collection of gallery of let's say mp3 albums so i have to put albums covers in my designs but exactly as i wanted in size {no matter whatever size/resolution the source (album cover) are} so smart objects always be the easiest way cos i firstly draw rectangulers in my custum size, and i covert each rectangulers to smart objects and replace every smart objects to place those albums covers. it's easiest way and since cs3 is launched, when i try to replace image of smart objects my replaced image(album cover) wont be as equal as my custum rectanguler size. this is my prob. when i place the images either they are placed bigger size than the size of smart object or smaller than smart object . can is there any process to make as shame size as smart object while placing images to smart object??? in cs2 it's possible but cs3 cs4 can't do such smart object or i'm a missing any new technique to do that??? ya we can resize each placed covers to our custom size but it takes hell long time . i need shortcut way. so any expert has solution of my prob ...i'll be very thankful

wel in cs2 i been doin things like this using smart object which takes only 2 min to put images in my custom sized rectangular:
i guesss none of gurus available to reply my post wid solution. are there only viewers or what??? i'm waiting for my solution.help me guys.
