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Slow to intro


New Member
Hello to all the Photoshop Gurus! I signed up for the forum awhile back but I'm finally getting around to saying hello and participating.

I am a visual & media artist from Los Angeles. I studied undergrad at Otis College of Art and Design. Majored in Fine Arts: painting and sculpture, and did a minor in digital media.

I've played around with photoshop off and on for about 15 years. Most of which I spent clicking everything and moving every slider in hopes that something cool would happen to my image. I taught myself a lot but never really knew why or what I was doing. I just knew what slider made what affect. I wish I would have found a resource like this early on. Lol, many of my breaks from photoshop were due to my frustration. I couldn't figure something out and had no one to ask.

I'm looking forward to seeing and learning more about your work and about photoshop. As a fine artist I enjoy doing collaborative works with other artists. Sometimes public art, political, social, or new and different. If you are interested any working on collaborative pieces of any kind, or have an idea of some work we can do then please let me know. I love to bounce ideas off other artists as well.

'Till later on...
Hello mconn127 and welcome to PSG.

Glad to have you join us. Like you, my background was in fine art and sculpting. My interests are now focused on the digital media with Photoshop being my only interest. I do plan on adding Illustrator into the mix, but only after I feel I have learned as much about Ps as I can. With Ps and a good tablet, there's absolutely nothing I can't do now that I used to do with traditional paint and brush. In fact, the advantages are so tremendous, that it would take me a week to explain them!
Also like you, I had tried a few earlier versions of Photoshop over the years only to give up in total frustration. I stumbled across another program (that is never mentioned here) which sparked my interests again. I found that nowadays, there was an abundance of information and tutorials available that I was actually learning how to use the program. That program began having major issues as it was poorly managed by it's creators so I opted for a change. I purchased a copy of CS6 Extended, found my way to this exceptional forum.........the rest is history.

Good luck and I'm looking forward in seeing you around the forum!
