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Silhouettes tutorials


Well-Known Member

Does anyone know of any free websites that give tutorials on how to make good detailed Silhouettes of people in action taken from a photograph?

Thank yo I want to do a bit of both I think my aim is to have a silhouette but a very detailed one round the edges so it's got the crispness of a photo you know? not any round cut of edges but distinstive edges, it is for bellydancers so i need to get the fingers and edge of dresses clearly etc. I am looking forward to trying out your links, thank you for your time
if you use pen tool on a proper zoom level ( assuming good quality of photos ) you should be able to do it. biggest challenge is always selecting your object, but for that there is 100 and 1 ways, and none of them is the one and only right one. all depends on the photo.
Pick the image you want to use:

1, Choose your image:


2, Cut out your subject, the part you want to use as a Silhouette:


The cutting out is the important part as this will determine the amount of detail you have in your Silhouette, so take your time and get it as good as you can. If you are struggling to get really good cut-outs there are tutorials on here that will help, alternatively look at something like Topaz Re-mask. I have heard it's pretty good.

3, Once you're happy with your image, hit Ctrl+U to bring up the Hue/Saturation window:


Check the 'Colourize' radio button and then move the Lightness slider all the way to left:

4, You should end up with something like this:


Not perfect, and certainly didn't take my time to mask this image off but hopefully you will see how it all works. I can't say enough though, get the best mask you can on your selected image and the end result should be fine.

Hope this help Sarah, ask if you have any more questions :thumbsup:
wow this looks great too thank you, just one more question how did you cut her out so well? like her hair the wisps that are cutout are great especially the left side, what type of tool/technique did you use? I understand now getting a good cutout is what makes a good silhouette so maybe now I should change the question to hows best to get a good cut out? lol or I guess that all depends on the photo to, but uv done great here especially in a short amount of time
Hi Sarah,

Here is a great tutorial on using channels, some will say the better way to do it:

Just made this to show how it can look when you take your time and get the cut out right:

Started with this:

With careful Selection (Follow the video above):

Good luck and post some results up when you have some :thumbsup:
oh thank you very much for all your help and suggestions and work it is very much appreciated, I am giving it a go now and will post my results up when im finished if It all goes well lol thanks again
