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Show 100% White



Is there a way that Photoshop shows me all the pixels with a value I can give? What I mean, I have a photo and I want to know where pixels are which are 100% white (overexposed), so the pixels valued R255-G255-B255? Is there a way that Photoshop shows me all the pixels?
I don't know if there is a built in way (if there is I am sure someone will chip in) but one thing you could to is to create a small area that you fill with exactly the colour that you want to detect (possibly expanding the canvas so you don't damage the original image) and then use select by colour range with a fuzziness of 1 and click on your colour. That would then select all the pixels with that colour.


Another trick you can try to show overexposed areas in a photo is to create a Levels adjustment layer, then select the white point sampler (eyedropper icon), and hold Alt or Option on your keyboard while mousing over the image to show the clipped channels.


Here's another thing you might try.
Place a new fill layer above the image.
Fill this layer with the color your targeting, in this case white ( R255 G255 B255).
Then set it's blending mode to difference.
Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 11.56.50 AM.png

Add a threshold adjustment layer.
Move the adjuster to the left until you only have the darkest areas.
Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 12.00.32 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 11.57.14 AM.png

The darkest areas represent the whitest pixels.
Then use Color range to select the darkest areas. This will make a selection of those pixels. You can now do what you like with them.

Here I went back and highlighted my original image and hit Cmd/Cntrl + J to copy the selection to it's own layer, on a new layer give it a dark background, and I now have a realtime representation of the whitest pixels of that image.
Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 3.40.47 PM.png
