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sharpen focus


New Member
I not sure if anyone has posted this before. Here is a simply technique to restore the focus of your poorly scanned images.

First, apply auto-contrast to each of the color channels (RGB). Next, duplicate the background layer and with the top layer selected choose filter>other>high pass. Usually a value between 9 and 14 is appropreate. Try somewhere around 10.5. Now, apply auto contrast to layer 2 (grey one) then change the blend mode to soft light. If it turns out to be a little too sharp then you just lower the opacity of the top layer. Last, press ctrl + E to merge the two layers..... and there you have it.

That's a good technique Mugshot. It's one Terry Steeley reminded me of at the Adobe stand at Focus on Imaging (trade show, uk) last week. Works very well!

Couple of small things to add - the setting on your high pass filter will be dependant on the resolution of the image. And if you want some bits sharpened more than others, you can obviously use a layer mask to vary the effect across the picture.
Thanks Mugshot:
There was an image I gave up fiddling with, But this techinque fits the bill :righton:
