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Specific Sharpen/enhance poor newspaper png image


Well-Known Member
Attached is a rare picture from 100 year old newspaper and part of my local history research. Anything that could be done to sharpen or improve the two images would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you - Roger

highshot house png.png
The two images are the key things but a bonus would be if I could read the text but I think it may be too out of focus
Here is my try at improving the images below:
John Wheeler


Here isi a jpeg of an article that I believe is for the same institution for reference:
British Federation for the Emancipation of Sweated women.jpg

As far as the words in the caption, here is my reading of what was there though it is very tough to read (partially transcribed:

"These photographs specially taken for this article show the extension? building at Twikinham taken
by the Federation for use as an institution for the training of girl workers for domestic services as a
gradual means of escape from the clutches of the sweater? and the dangers of white slavery. "Daily Grphcs" readers help is urgently required to equip this building........?

Being a genealogist, I have had to transcribe some pretty bad text/script over time. You pretty much have to read between the lines and it is subject to errors
Hope that is helpful.
John Wheeler
