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Specific Sharpen/enhance clarity old postcard


Well-Known Member
As a local historian (post retired at 72!) here at Twickenham in the UK I would greatly appreciate if the attached postcard could be sharpened in any way and focus enhanced. I will be submitting a few photographs for my collection which by close examination helps me with writing my local history. I have been astounded in the past by the kind help and time given by so many members. It is a truly incredible gesture and kindness on everyone's part for which I am truly grateful - Roger

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Hi @RogW
I am sure great enhancements can be made with the image you provided.
I wanted to point out in general, if you have access to the post card and scan to TIFF or PNG and not JPEG, you can end up with a much better result. JPEG is a lossy compressoin format and introduces artifacts. I know the original is not always available yet always best to start with the best original.
Just to show the defects within the image, I magnified around the sign and all the chruchny fuzziiness is from how the image was either scanned for compressed to JPEG before posting on the forum
John Wheeler

Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 11.20.21 AM.jpg
Unfortunately original images not available as pretty rare which is why looking to get any improvement possible. - Roger
Thank you so much. Always grateful for time and skills of members. All improvements help me analyse history of developments. - Roger
