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sharpen an image


New Member
i need to know the specific steps to sharpen an image for a project I'm working on. it would be a lot of help if someone would help me.
Welcome rocko. 8))

rocko said:
i need to know the specific steps to sharpen an image for a project I'm working on.

It's unclear to me what your problem is. Is it that you don't know which tool to use, don't know how to use a specfic tool or that you don't know when you've sharpened too much?
um well i'm completly new to photoshop and so its all of them i don;t know which tool to use and how to use it and just in case how do you tell if it worked
Sorry, I can't help you if you completely new to Photoshop, because that would mean I also have to explain all the very basics and sadly I don't have time for that, I'm pretty busy at the moment.

Hopefully someone else can help you better than I can, good luck! :)
In a basic way, Sharpening is a touchy subject. Lot`s of ways to get there, very much overused, IMHO, and easy to overdo. It is also very image dependant. Some images benifit greatly from some sharpening. It`s a good idea to sharpen some before reducing size, for instance. Some images are destroyed by oversharpening. Sometimes it`s just not called for.
SO, in short, if you can post an image, or part of one, we can give more specific instructions and suggestions on what it needs. (or doesn`t)
Also, a site search for Sharpening will bring lots of info, if general stuff is what you want.
Glad to help more specificly, if you`ll give more info.
