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My name is Jean-Baptiste Martinoli, I am the co-founder and chief of technology at EXOPC.
We have created a technology allowing easy creation of cross-plateform HTML5 application and one of our projects is the EXOdesk. We are specifically working on a user interface for Photoshop running on a large 40 inches capacitive display. We wish to share ideas with you to better build the product.

The EXOdesk is a digital desk to be launch end of year with ViewSonic and other partners. The EXOdesk looks as follow:

I cannot post links yet but we have a blog from our lab with plenty of information, I will share the link later.
Thank you!
Welcome to PSGurus, Jean-Baptiste.

We're honoured to have you here.

That is an inovative product. I'm sure a lot of us here would like learn more.

Please feel free to tour our forum.

Best Regards.
