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Shape Color Bleed Around a Layer?


Help! I need to create a bleed around an object that is cut out on it's own layer. Basically I need a shape burst... the edge pixels expanding outward away from the layer. I know I could enlarge the layer but that doesn't work with more complex shapes. And I don't want to use the rubber stamp tool. I have lots of images to do. The end result does not need to be detailed at all, it will be blurred.

Any thoughts on how to create this other than rubber stamp?
Does this help? Think of making a selection and then Choosing "expand selection" command and then the edge pixels copy or drag the color outward as they expand.

Yes, did you use clone or smudge or any brush tools? 'Cause that is what I don't want to use. I'm trying to figure a way to do it thru filtering or automating because I have many to do.
Thanks R-M, but enlarging the layer won't work with shapes that are more complex and/or non symmetrical. Some areas won't be included in the enlargment
No clone or brush...

With your layered image, using the rectangle marquee, select any area you think will do as a texture for the bleed and define that as a pattern (Menu>DefinePattern... save the pattern)

Create new layer and position below image layer.

CTRL+click image layer icon to select the image.

SELECT>MODIFY>EXPAND ... that image was 72dpi so I used 15pxls. Size may depend on your preference.

Select new layer and fill Selection with saved pattern.... FILL>use pattern ....

only one limitation.... you can use only one color or texture type. no way you can get result like your example. Unless you do slight airbrushing of matching color on certain parts.
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Automation may work if you create an action from steps 3 to 5. Do the first 2 steps manually then load the action.

Modify the above sequence to creating new layer and moving it below the image layer after the SELECT>MODIFY EXPAND step....
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Thanks dv8_fx,but that process won't work for many items with different colors around the edges.

I figured there wasn't a way but thought I would put it to others to think about.

I did try Defringe (by 1px at a time, steps below) but the results were inconsistent. Not sure how defringe determines what to color or not color but it doesn't do it evenly. Below is what I tried....
- Select subject layer's transparency or the layers outline
- expand selection by 2 px
- create new layer below 1st layer and fill with white or gray or any color
- merge 2 layers together
- Run Defringe on the layer set to 1 or 2 px
- Repeat entire process several times

I guess I could insert a 1 px blur but that would slowly degrade the color and transparency of the pixels as they grow outward from the main layer
I figured that which is why I mentioned the limitation.

So you want it to look like IamSam's example but without using the clone or brush tools. And that you want the edges crisp like my example?

Let LiZad give this a re-think.
Mike, sorry so late in answering, I have been insanely busy!

I just keep trying to see if I'm on the right track. I really don't have anything to offer to meet your requirements. I did this using two layers, smudging the lower Layer, expanding the selection of the top layer and trimming. I don't think the process can be automated, at least not the smudge part. I'm still trying using a filter. Let you know if I figure something out.
Help! I need to create a bleed around an object that is cut out on it's own layer. Basically I need a shape burst... the edge pixels expanding outward away from the layer. I know I could enlarge the layer but that doesn't work with more complex shapes. And I don't want to use the rubber stamp tool. I have lots of images to do. The end result does not need to be detailed at all, it will be blurred.

Any thoughts on how to create this other than rubber stamp?

I know the answer is late, but it might help others looking for the answer. I've made a simple video (with no sound) explaining how I do it for use with people cutouts in arch viz work. Forgive my faffing with the mouse, but watch it and it'll become pretty clear, and it's automation friendly :)

