OK, I will add my feedback. I am not being gentle, just honest in what is my opinion. I was not going to reply at all. But as you have repeated your request that someone does . . .
I agree with hoogle. Your shots are boring, crooked, badly exposed, and ill-composed.
The composition on all of these shots is remarkably poor. You are too tight up on the subjects for you to be able to frame them or take them in. If, as in the last picture, there is no space between the top and the bottom of the photo and the subject, then the eye will be roving continuously trying to find a focal point. There is none here.
In the first photo, you have made a similar mistake, you are still too tight and it makes the viewer want to back up for a better view. And in this case, you have cut off the bottom of your subjects. Everything is out of focus and you need to understand the Golden Ratio or Rule of Thirds. This is the only shot which isn't askew.
As for the two architecture shots, it is impossible to tell what you are wanting us to see. Again no focal point. You need to either pull back or get in close. What are we looking at? Not only that, but architectural photography isn't easy for non-professionals to correct for the angles. Unless you use the angles to accentuate a shot, the crookedness just plain looks wrong.
For all this kind of still photography, you need to use a tripod. It will help you to view and compose better and straighten your shots.
And in PP you gave them "sepia tones," but every tone is different from the last. You need to have consistency. And if you want to make a variance, do it as version 2, 3, etc. of one shot, so that it appears you know what you are doing.
I have suggested to you before and I will bring it up again. I recommend you get training, such as you can get in a community college, in design, color theory, and survey classes in art and photography. I believe these are a foundation for anything else you wish to create in the visual media.
You have the desire and the enthusiasm, but you lack the training and experience. Do you have the talent? That I don't know. These photos are no indication.