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Illustrator Self portrait in AI


Here's my attempt in Illustrator. I know that using a photo as a template doesn't exactly call for a standing ovation, but I've learned some valuable techniques in the process. I'm still working on skin tones...sampling from PS insn't coming up with great combinations. I really like the link Mark recently posted the vector art in that is superb. I haven't really got a firm hold on mesh yet, but was going for a little more graphic look anyway.

PS-I haven't posted in a while and would like to say my most sincere simpathy for anyone directly affected by the tsunami.
That nice meehoo. Very clean.

What are you doing in here so soon after midnight by-the-way? Shouldn't you be out with loved ones or something? ;)

I'd like to echo you comment concerning those effected by this latest natural tragety.
Eh...my wife and I observed the New Year, but neither of us wanted to stay out too late.

I guess over the years I've become a little more :B and a little less 8}
hehe i concure. [honesty]

By-the-way... your skin tones are ok meehoo.
Perhaps a tad on the red side, but not too much so.
I'd try lightening them up a little.
after a little more work

Well, changed my mind. I've brought my portrait into photoshop and have blurred and painted with the airbrish tool. Still a ways to go, but I'm excited about it.

I just bought a Wacom and this is the first time I really used it. I thought at first I wasted my money because it was hard to get used to the absolute positioning and setting it as a mouse was worse. A little practice has shown me that it is a cool tool. Still can't figure out how to scroll through my brushes with the control strip.

Got to say, I am humbled by Phillip's (eyewoo) painting ability. I recently followed a path to his website. Work worthy of study and admiration.

To those of you interested in great digital painting also check out:

The artist who created this site often works on some of the cutting edge first person shooter games. She has great tuts and suggestions on a wide range of topics.

PS-Regarding my painting, any further suggestions are more than welcome
Great Web site there! Thanks.
I don't know what the degree of realism your going for (It looks fine as is IMHO) but the right arm gets lost against the torso maybe some hilighting would bring it out. Also you've do fine on the hands why not put Shadow/HiLite on the face too?
Meehoo - I like that, very nice :righton: Illustrator and I don't get along. Maybe if the same engineers who write PS would work on Illustrator, I'd enjoy using it more. [saywhat]
I have to say nice work meehoo! I agree with nitrobutler on the left arm getting lost in the torso -- highlights would set that off nicely!! but the rest looks realy nice!! :righton:

I like the hands -- nice touches with the highlights on that one! :D
