With the kind of detail you have (don't shoot), possibly the only extraction tool that will really work for you in this kind of composition, BG, details, etc., is the pen tool. It just takes practice and learning technique and tips. There are a lot of tutorials on it, some good, some awful. It's fairly easy to tell which is which. They usually each have at least one thing you didn't learn in the other. A really comprehensive pen tool tut would be a workshop. So you take it a little at a time. But I strongly suggest you learn to use it. I avoided it for years and the hours I spent struggling with other methods were truly wasted.
The other tool I like to use is the quick select. I zoom way in to add and subtract from the edges, sometimes using the lasso to refine that before I finish my selection. On sharp edges I will use the polygonal lasso or the pen tool - which is easy to use for straight lines. Then you can add a mask and I like to put a contrasting BG below it so I can see what needs cleanup. You can use either refine edge or refine mask if you like. There is, IMO, always more cleanup to be done manually. And when you have such fine detail, you can disable the mask, use a tool to reselect the item, then enable the mask and fill that selection with black. But as you can see, "quick select" is a misnomer! I only use it when the FG and BG are well-defined.
Then as RM said, clone stamp, etc.