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Scanning Microfilm to image and PDF


New Member
I have 9 rolls of microfilm with about 5000 images (or more). I ultimately want them in PDF. I want to be able to touch some up as needed and watermark them as well. The images are engineered drawings and some of them are very detailed so I will need high resolution so that these large drawings can be viewed using the Zoom to see small writing etc.

I need advice first of all on what company I should hire to scan them for me. Should I ask for BMP, JPG, or Tiff format for best end result. What software should I use to clean up & watermark the images. What is then the best way to batch convert my images to PDF hopefully with some sort of protection scheme to keep my published work from being ripped off easily.

Finally I am on a budget and need some low cost solutions to the above unless there is no alternative.
