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Scaling layer?


New Member
Photoshop CS2.

Is there a way to automatically keep scaled versions current?

Well, that was clear. Let me try an example.

I have images that I need in multiple resolutions -- say, 1024^2, 800^2, 400^2, 200^2, and 100^2. What I'd like to do is manipulate the image at the maximum resolution, and have the changes reflected automatically on associated layers that are resampled at the different resolutions. That would make life so much easier.. much less 'resize image, save as, resize image, save as, resize image, save as, revert.' (And much less dangerous -- I forgot to revert once and wiped out a lot of work by saving the minimal-resolution image as the PSD file.) Instead, I could simply select the correct resolution layer and 'save as'.

Maybe layers aren't the way to do this, but can it be done at all?

Nope that won't work either. The only file format that will support different resolutions is a PDF File and that's not possible in Photoshop.
You can have scaled pictures on different layers but they will all be the same resolution, if the intended output if for web use this will be fine as resolution does not figure, it's only the pixel count that matters.
Well, if there's a way to keep scaled copies of Layer N on other layers, that'll be updated as Layer N is, that's a start.

Replace 'resolution' with 'size/dimensions' and see if the answer is different?
You should be able to accomplish this fairly easy with actions. Basically, you would create a new action, go through the entire process once, and then save the action. Then instead of saving your images, you could just run the action.

Hope this helps
