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Say hello to... me!


New Member
I am an older, single woman on disability/retired, and creating web sites is what I love to do. I own a hosting service/web design company with a friend who is an awesome video editor. In fact, I am moving from Washington back to California soon so that he and I can pursure our business concerns.

I am an intermediate level designer who is eager to learn more about Dreamweaver and Photoshop (I was using Paint Shop Pro) and came across this forum while searching for tutorials on how to make curved text for a logo on a site I'm developing now.

I hope to make some new friends here, and learn new things, and maybe even pass on a few tips of my own from time to time.

Hey =)
My name is Kim... I just found this forum today and came across your message. I have been getting into both Photoshop and Dreamweaver myself. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I have been busting my hump learning HTML and CSS, with the hopes of finding something that I can get into with it and get paid, similar to you. I would absltly looooove to hear anything you can tell me! Thanks so much!
Hi Kim!

Glad to hear from you. I have been designing websites on and off for about ten years. I learned HTML by using a tutorial at a site called Writing HTML (Google it - it's the one at maricopa.edu and should come up first on the list). The thing I liked most about it was that it took you step by step, hands-on, in creating a website about volcanoes. That helped because it gave you a definite goal, not just "think of something you'd like to do a website for." Everything I have done from there has been built on that. I like the idea of being able to do the coding by hand when needed, because even with Dreamweaver, sometimes you just need to know how it works so that you can edit it to get the effect you desire. If you don't know hard-coding yet, I encourage you to learn NOW.

You can also find some good CSS, JavaScript, and CGI tutorials online and if you need me to steer you to some good ones, please let me know and I'll be happy to pass them on.

I am learning Dreamweaver to make my designing faster, but I love hard-coding! But that's just me... I love figuring out how things work. I have to work hard at my creative side; it's not as strong as my logical side.

Anyway... have fun with it! If I can help in any way, please let me know. And send me some links on your work, I'd love to see them.

We cannot post links till we have posted 5 times so I'll have to wait till then to post some sites I have done.
