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Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please help


New Member
Hi All,

I am very new to photoshop and also forums to be fair.

I'm hoping you guys can help me solve quite an irritating problem.

I'm using CS5 Photoshop and i have created an image, its the basis of a project and will be used in nearly every page of the project.
Whenever i flatten, merge or save as (any basic picture file type, jpeg, bmp, png etc) the image looks completely different.

There are 3 effects on the image i am trying to save and a text layer over the top.

Attached is a screenshot of the image in photoshop and next too it the image saved as PDF. Just like to add that the PDF image is exactly how the image looks no matter what i save it as, and when i flatten or merge it. If anyone knows how to sort this out i would be extremely grateful!!!

Thank You in advance

Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Hi Angron -

Welcome to PSG!

The quickest way to get to the bottom of your problem is if you post your PSD file before you flatten it so that we can inspect it carefully.

If the file is too big to post in our forum, just upload it to dropbox, yousendit.com, or one of the many file sharing services that allows people to retrieve files without signing up for the service. Then post the URL here.

I'm sure we will be able to get to the bottom of this.


Tom M
Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Maybe the problem is that your project is in 16 bits mode


I turned it into 8 bits and saved as JPEG (standard 8 bits)


working in 16 bits makes the size bigger and quality better (?) (ie when using gradients) but in my vue not required in this case
Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Thank you so much! Hours I've been trying to sort this issue out!
Worked perfectly! This will definitely be my first stop for an issues

Thanks again
Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Angron spent hours on a problem with a simple fix.

It's like when you're new to Ps,and accidentally hit the TAB key, and all your menus disappear, and you spend hours trying to figure it out!

Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Yep, the wonders of technology.

On the other hand, if everthing goes smoothly and you never encounter a problem or a bug, you'll never learn.
There's something I know for sure, a perfect working PS or even knowing everything about PS is impossible...

Therefore this forum!
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Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Yep, the wonders of technology.

On the other hand, if everthing goes smoothly and you never encounter a problem or a bug, you'll never learn.
There's something I know for sure, a perfect working PS or even knowing everything about PS is impossible...

Therefore this forum!

No doubt. Have yet to find an idiot-proof program. I make all the idiot mistakes.

Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Unfortunately, I just haven't had time to look at the OP's PSD file, so could someone can fill me in on exactly what step or tool or other part of it didn't work, or didn't work the same at 16 bpc compared to 8 bpc?


Tom M
Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

Tom, it was a two layered PSB file (one background, the other text) saved in 16 bits mode.
Saved as a Jpeg 16 bits the background looked washed out.
I turned it into 8 bits and saved as Jpeg and the problem was gone.
I'm not an expert and never used 16 bits projects because at my minimal knowledge 16 bits is of course a way to prevent banding in gradients.
Re: Saving issues, looked online for tutorials and help but coming up blank, please h

I finally had the time to examine & experiment with the OP's file. Here's what I found:

1) To see if being a PSB instead of a PSD had any effect, I saved it as a PSD (still 16 bpc, ie, unchanged). No change in the problem.

2) To see if the layer efx on his lowest (smart) layer were causing any trouble, I removed them. No change in the problem.

3) To see if (1) and (2) combined might have caused his problem I made both changes. No change in the problem.

4) To see if the problem was inside his smart object, I tried to make a minor edit to it. PW wouldn't let me save the changes and return to the original. It gave the following error:
"Can't save this document back to its original file format. Flatten layers and discard extra data as necessary and choose File > Save again."

5) To check that PS itself was working as expected, I replaced his lowest layer with my own smart object, a checkerboard pattern. I left the number of bits per channel remain at 16. I left his upper layer as is. I added my own layer effects to my checkerboard pattern, and saved the file as a PSB with a different name. The result was that I had no problems whatsoever with this file. I could edit my smart object endlessly, change the bit depth, change the layer effects, and everything I tried worked exactly as it should.

My conclusion from this is that the problem the OP was having resides in his lowest layer.

When I did a search on the error message I quoted above, I found that the usual advice given was:

Did you create the SO by placing an image in a format that does not support Layers (like jpg or example)?
If so I’m afraid you may have to save the layered file as psd, psb or tif, then replace the Smart Object in the containing document (Layer > Smart Objects > Replace Contents).


I tried reconstructing this type of error, and it indeed caused problems similar to what I saw in the OP's file. This restriction makes sense after you think about it. So, my guess is that the OP inadvertently constructed the SO improperly. I'm not sure how well this restriction on smart objects is known, but I certainly didn't know about it. Whether one would call this a PS problem or a documentation problem or a user knowledge problem is a matter of opinion.

Tom M
