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Saving as Photoshop PDF

I don't have, nor have ever used elements, so I am really of no use to you. Sorry. I'm sure someone around here knows about it though.
Saving Photoshop files in Adobe® Acrobat® PDF is easy, but do you know which options to check for the best results? Acrobat pro Ted Padova does.

Adobe Photoshop® version 4 introduced support for exports and imports of PDF documents. You could save a Photoshop image directly in PDF format and open the file in an Acrobat viewer. Importing PDF files, however, was limited to only those files that were originally saved from Photoshop. If a PDF was created from another application through PostScript, Acrobat Distiller, or an export to PDF, Photoshop couldn’t open it. Version 5.5 of Adobe Photoshop included much better support for PDF and permitted opening multiple-page PDFs as well as files from any PDF producer. When Photoshop 6 was released, PDF exports handled preserving vector art and type. For an imaging program that is suited to working with PDF documents, you’ll find Adobe Photoshop the best source for handling raster data while preserving vector objects.

Note: Raster data is comprised of pixels. Scanned images are one form of raster-based images. Vector objects are created in illustration and layout programs where the objects are not represented by pixels, but rather by math equations. In Photoshop you can open a scanned image (raster) and add type (vector) and objects. When you save the image as a PDF file, the vector type and objects are preserved.
Exporting to PDF from Photoshop

Creating a PDF file from Photoshop is nothing more than choosing the PDF format from the Save dialog box. Photoshop supports many different file formats for opening and saving documents. In versions prior to Photoshop 6.0, you had to flatten all layers before you could save a document as a PDF file. In versions 6.0 and 7.0, you can preserve layers and vector art. When you save a layered file from Photoshop 7.0 as a PDF and open it again in Photoshop, all layers are retained. Type and vector art work the same way. You can create type without rasterizing it and save the file as a PDF. Later, if you want to edit the file, you can reopen it and edit the type. What’s more, you can search and edit the type in Acrobat when you save the file as PDF from Photoshop.

To save a multilayered Photoshop image, Photoshop document, or flattened image, you use the Save As command. In Photoshop 7.0 choose File > Save As. The Save As dialog box (Figure 1) provides many options for preserving the Photoshop file integrity while saving in PDF format that include
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1. Choose File > Save As, and then choose Photoshop PDF from the Format menu. You can select a Color option if you want to embed a color profile or use the profile specified with the Proof Setup command. You can also include layers, annotations, spot color, or alpha channels. Click Save.
2. In the Save Adobe PDF dialog box, choose an Adobe PDF preset specifying whether the Photoshop PDF file will be printed on a desktop printer or proofer, sent to a commercial printer, distributed by e‑mail, displayed on the web, and so on. For details, see Adobe PDF presets.

Choosing a preset is the easiest way to set options for your Photoshop PDF file. After you choose a preset, click Save PDF to generate your Photoshop PDF file. If you want to add security options or fine-tune the saving options for the PDF, follow the remaining steps in this procedure.
3. (Optional) Choose options from the Standard menu and the Compatibility menu to specify the PDF/X compliance and the Acrobat version compatibility for the PDF document. For more information, see PDF compatibility levels.
4. (Optional) Select General in the left pane of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box to set general PDF file saving options. For details of each option, see General options for Adobe PDF.
Note: Users of Photoshop versions earlier than Photoshop CS2 can open a PDF (containing Photoshop data) as a generic PDF with the layers flattened. Choose File > Open As and then choose Generic PDF from the Files Of Type menu (Windows), or choose File > Open and choose Generic PDF from the Format menu (Mac OS).
5. (Optional) Select Compression in the left pane of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box to specify the compression and downsampling options for the PDF file. For more information, see Compression and downsampling options for Adobe PDF.
6. (Optional) Select Output in the left pane of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box to specify color management and PDF/X options. For more information, see Color management and PDF/X options for Adobe PDF.
7. (Optional) To add security to your PDF document, select Security in the left pane of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box. Specify the password and permissions options for your PDF document. See also Adding security to PDF files.
Note: The Encryption Level depends on the Compatibility setting of your PDF document. Choose a different Compatibility setting to specify a higher or lower Encryption Level.
8. (Optional) Select Summary in the left pane of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box. You can review the options you specified.
9. (Optional) If you want to reuse the PDF save settings, click Save Preset and save your settings as a PDF preset. The new preset appears in the Adobe PDF Preset menu the next time you save a Photoshop PDF file and in any product in the Adobe Creative Suite. See also Save an Adobe PDF preset.
10. Click Save PDF. Photoshop closes the Save Adobe PDF dialog box and creates the PDF document file.

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