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Saving an image as vector in PS


Well-Known Member
How do we save an image as a vector in Photoshop?I played around with the options but could not find a way to do it...
you can't. photoshop is a bitmap based program, if you can ,it's beyond me, I usually open in Ai if I need vector
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Well Photoshop does have soem vector capabilities but they are very limited. Things like Text layers, shapes made from shape tools, paths, and things made with the pen tool are saved as vector when you save in PSD format, you can resize all of these without loss in image quality... but it's not a vector program.

For true vector support you need to use a vector based program like Adobe Illustrator or Freehand.
Freehand?.your showing your age Tron lol I thought that went byebye ages ago?
Haha, yes i guess it was killed a long time ago wih the Adobe/Macromedia merger. The funny thing is I know at least one person who still uses it :)
If you can, then use vector tools in Photoshop and save it as a PDF. And I think (not too sure) that it will remain vector.
