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Save all open PSD:s


New Member
Hello I work as a photographer and often work with several big psd:s simultaneously. My question is therefore: Is there an easy way to save all at the same time? Not to new files just refresh the existing one?

This can be done with a script....
for (var a =0;a<documents.length;a++){
var EXT =documents[a].name.toLowerCase().match(/[^\.]+$/).toString();
if(EXT.length==3 && EXT != "jpg"){
	activeDocument =documents[a];
Hello I work as a photographer and often work with several big psd:s simultaneously. My question is therefore: Is there an easy way to save all at the same time? Not to new files just refresh the existing one?

Trust me, that's just asking for things going wrong one day...

On the other hand, if you use Windows you can close all open windows by a shift+left click on any X in the top-right corner of any document window (you only have to do that once!). It will then ask for each document whether you want to save it or not. Be aware that it also forces you to save new documents, because skipping specific documents is not possible.
