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Rotation question


Active Member
Ok, probably stupid question but here goes. Is there a way to rotate an item or layer and not the entire canvas? Typically I do it on a new canvas them move it back the project, but I've got something coming up that's going to need a lot of rotation in different ways. It'd be easier if I could do it right on the canvas in individual layers, but not sure if it is possible.

Rightclick selection transform

Sorry on itouch brief explain look at dropdown menu you will see what you need
I think your want the Transform tool (T) <--- Incorrect, (T) is the Text tool
There are a lot of variations of the transform tool.
To just change the size or rotate an individual layer just select the layer, type "T"and click the little chain link icon between the W: and H: to maintain aspect ratio, and resize or rotate the image.

Ctrl+T (Windows) Command+T (Mac) is the Transform tool
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i think he means that when he get's the time to do so... to build on what steve said, if you want to transform a specific part of a layer, use one of two tools, the lasso or marquis tool, to select a part of the image. the hot key for the lasso tool is L and the hot key for the marquis tool is M. after you've selected what you want to rotate, hold down CTRL and press T. This will activate the transformation tool, allowing you to transform the object. (it's important to learn hot keys, as they greatly improve your work-flow.) then, if you move your mouse outside of the box that appears, you can click and hold, moving the mouse to rotate the selected portion. or you can right click the image, choosing to rotate 90 degrees clockwise, 90 degrees counterclockwise, or rotate 180 degrees total. hope this helped :)
