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Resize Canvas to 1:1 with White Background for all images in a folder


New Member
I would like to make all of the pictures to aspect 1:1 by adding white background.

By adjusting each picture to it's biggest height OR width and NOT cropping or changing the size of the actual picture. The script I have does not work and errors out. I am not sure why. Can anyone help out or do you have a script that does what I am looking to do?

// Open folder selection dialog
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder with images");

// Check if a valid folder was selected
if (inputFolder) {
    var files = inputFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|psd)$/i);
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        var file = files[i];

        if (file instanceof File) {

            // Get the active document
            var doc = app.activeDocument;

            // Get original width and height
            var originalWidth = doc.width;
            var originalHeight = doc.height;

            // Determine the new canvas size (largest dimension)
            var newSize = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight);

            // Resize canvas to make it square (1:1 ratio)
            doc.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);

            // Deselect any active selection

            // Select the original image layer
            var imageLayer = doc.activeLayer;

            // Create a new solid white background layer
            var whiteBackground = doc.artLayers.add();
            whiteBackground.name = "White Background";

            // Fill the new layer with white
            doc.activeLayer = whiteBackground;
            var white = new SolidColor();
            white.rgb.red = 255;
            white.rgb.green = 255;
            white.rgb.blue = 255;

            // Move the white background layer to the **bottom**
            whiteBackground.move(doc.artLayers[doc.artLayers.length - 1], ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);

            // Ensure the original image stays on top
            imageLayer.move(doc.artLayers[0], ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);

            // Flatten the image to merge layers correctly

            // Save the modified image
            var saveFile = new File(file.path + "/" + file.name);
            var saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
            saveOptions.quality = 12; // Max quality
            doc.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

            // Close the document without saving additional changes
    alert("Batch processing completed!");
} else {
    alert("No folder selected. Process canceled.");
Hi @twiggs462

A forum member may mump in with scripting capabilities with a good answer.
I did not try and run the script yet; sometimes, trying to put something under a Background Layer could throw a fault.

This could be done with an action, too.
Here are the verbal steps, and I assume this is a pixel Layer and a single Layer. Modifications could be made to cover those cases, too.

1) Make sure all selections are turned off
2) Make the background Layer a regular Layer
3) Duplicate the single regular Layer to the Second Layer
4) Transform the second Layer and rotate 90 degrees
5) Use the Image > Reveal All command and you will have boundaries that are now 1:1
6) Delete that Second Layer
7) Add white Layer at bottom
8) Merge back to single Layer
9) Save As file

Now you use the File > Automate > Batch command to access a folder of images and run this Action and use the Override Save As with your options as chosen in the Batch command

This was a quick write up yet this should work
Hope this was worth considering (avoiding scripts is worth considering)
John Wheeler
Try this revised code:

// Open folder selection dialog
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder with images");

// Check if a valid folder was selected
if (inputFolder) {
    var files = inputFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|psd)$/i);

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        var file = files[i];

        if (file instanceof File) {
            try {

                // Get the active document
                var doc = app.activeDocument;

                // Get original width and height
                var originalWidth = doc.width;
                var originalHeight = doc.height;

                // Determine the new canvas size (largest dimension)
                var newSize = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight);

                // Resize canvas to make it square (1:1 ratio)
                doc.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);

                // Deselect any active selection

                // Store reference to the original image layer
                var imageLayer = doc.activeLayer;
                imageLayer.name = "Original Image"; // Name it for clarity

                // Create a new solid white background layer
                var whiteBackground = doc.artLayers.add();
                whiteBackground.name = "White Background";

                // Fill the new layer with white
                doc.activeLayer = whiteBackground;
                var white = new SolidColor();
                white.rgb.red = 255;
                white.rgb.green = 255;
                white.rgb.blue = 255;

                // Move the white background layer to the bottom
                var bottomLayer = doc.artLayers[doc.artLayers.length - 1];
                whiteBackground.move(bottomLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEAFTER);

                // Move the original image layer to the top
                var topLayer = doc.artLayers[0];
                imageLayer.move(topLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE);

                // Flatten the image to merge layers correctly

                // Save the modified image
                var saveFile = new File(file.path + "/" + file.name);
                var saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
                saveOptions.quality = 12; // Max quality
                doc.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

                // Close the document without saving additional changes
            } catch (e) {
                alert("Error processing file: " + file.name + "\n" + e.message);

    alert("Batch processing completed!");
} else {
    alert("No folder selected. Process canceled.");
This could be done with an action, too.
Here are the verbal steps, and I assume this is a pixel Layer and a single Layer. Modifications could be made to cover those cases, too.

1) Make sure all selections are turned off
2) Make the background Layer a regular Layer
3) Duplicate the single regular Layer to the Second Layer
4) Transform the second Layer and rotate 90 degrees
5) Use the Image > Reveal All command and you will have boundaries that are now 1:1
6) Delete that Second Layer
7) Add white Layer at bottom
8) Merge back to single Layer
9) Save As file

Good suggestion John, I love the rotating a duped temp layer by 90° trick too, until I learnt that I thought that scripting was the only way.

When I built an action for this, I also wanted to cover flattened vs. layered images and used conditional actions.

Thanks everyone. I also have revised this script to not work with a background layer, but rather just ensure the canvas color was set to white. Just also sharing so we all have options :)

// Open folder selection dialog
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder with images");

// Check if a valid folder was selected
if (inputFolder) {
    var files = inputFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|psd)$/i);
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        var file = files[i];

        if (file instanceof File) {

            // Get the active document
            var doc = app.activeDocument;

            // Get original width and height
            var originalWidth = doc.width;
            var originalHeight = doc.height;

            // Determine the new canvas size (largest dimension)
            var newSize = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight);

            // Resize the canvas to make it square (Photoshop will fill the empty space with the current background color)
            doc.resizeCanvas(newSize, newSize, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);

            // Save the modified image
            var saveFile = new File(file.path + "/" + file.name);
            var saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
            saveOptions.quality = 12; // Max quality
            doc.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

            // Close the document without saving additional changes
    alert("Batch processing completed!");
} else {
    alert("No folder selected. Process canceled.");
