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Specific Resize and get a consistent white background

Flower Art

New Member
I need to have this photo resized and looking professional for a Floranext website? 480x480? I need a white background.

Closeup of Tussie Mussie.JPG
Here is my shot at it, however, some thoughts
- the flowers are already cropped off and create a square aspect ratio means you have to crop the width even more
- You did not seem sure about the size of 480 pixels. I made the image to those dimensions yet you need to be sure
- there were some white specs in the image. Some looked distracting you so healed that
- increased the saturation and clarity and texture just a tad
- your request to make it "more professional" is pretty vague and not sure what is enough for your target website/audience. You will have better renditions from forum members if you are more specific on what you want
- Best I cold I made the boundary whites at 255 and some of the see through areas a bit whiter as well

Hope you like the rendition and others may post a try as well.
John Wheeler

