Let me start this post out with apologies to anyone who may feel that I'm out of line by what I'm about to write. By all means, call me out if need be.
I didn't quite understand your post, as it was difficult to decipher the words which were either missing letters, combined words missing letters, or a little of both with some IM lingo mixed in. Typing clear, concise sentences would be great...
I'm making an assumption, but I take it you would like to have your clan's banner designed and made for free. I visited the clan website and noticed a post by "bleedsblack859" (the CEO of your clan, if I read correctly) regarding 10 part time sales positions for the "clan". It goes on to detail the various commissions a clan member will receive for sales, based upon their "rank" in the clan.
So, if I have it right, you want someone to create something for you, for free, which can potentially help to earn you money.
I'm not interested, and I hope nobody else on this site is, either.
If I have it wrong...my apologies, of course.