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Specific Request to remove any/all facial hair and head hair.


Okay So incase someone asks. Yes Im posting this again. Had a little issue and putting more detail. Thanks to an admin helping me out :D

I am working on a game that I want to use my own picture. So yes the picture is of me and yes it is fake. No cause for alarm. I downloaded unreal engine and while Im homebound I want to actually try one of my dreams/passions Games and actually creating one. Murder/mystery/investigations

I want to use my own portrait as to be found at a site where its assumed people have gone missing or were even murdered. My picture will be one of the first of many items found. Not sure If i can use other photos and of who but atleast I know I can use mine. I am very awful with character designs and creations as I tend to make them all look the same and they turn out awful. D:

What I need is some assistance.. I would like the photo to remove any/all hair. Head under nose slightly around spots on the chin/cheek
Tint the skin so its pale or yellow.
Basically I want to look sickly by thinning the face or not. either or is okay.

Like I was being forced to be kept alive but not for too long.

The picture that will be found in game will actually look like someone partially was trying to keep me alive with make shift tubes and the like. Home made things. The killer will be someone with no medical background or very little knowledge or maybe someone who had plenty but no access to proper tools.

Im homebound from a knee surgery and I have OI which is osteogenesis imperfecta which is brittle bones disease. Sooo I have a bit of a healing process. So any help would be appreciated while im homebound :D40091139_320761722017947_273565609751478272_n.jpg40138565_318546042025709_4970600234737467392_n.jpg
