@Sam: You are being too modest. Of course your version is vastly better. It looks like Larry used the low resolution (ie, small pixel dimensions), in-forum preview as his starting point, and then up-rez'ed it with Perfect Resize, whereas you obviously used the much higher resolution (larger pixel dimensions) version downloaded by the OP, and then maintained that resolution throughout your processing. To see the difference, just click on both previews to view or download the actual files.
@OP: Your image is reasonably sharp -- at most, only modest additional sharpening is needed. Other than the reflections in the windscreen, the only serious problem with the image is that you were trying to capture a scene with an extreme brightness range, so to keep the highlights in the outside from being maxed out (aka, "blown"), and losing all detail, your camera dropped the exposure a bit and hence, the cockpit came out too dark. Both Larry and Sam brightened the interior of the plane in their tweaked versions.
FWIW, I also gave it a quick try. Obviously, my personal preference is for a bit greener / contrasty trees, and I made a half-hearted attempt to reduce some of the reflections on the windscreen.