Hi there, if you've got some time I need to make an image illustration which is 1024 x 576 (16:9) in dimension. I want the style to be comic book and pixelation on the entire thing (if that works).
The text logo should say "This meetup really whips the llamas ass", the head (resized) should go underneath the text.
Here is a link to the font I want to use:
I attached a photo of the llama I want to use but I only want the head and the BG replaced with the hotline miami background.
The text logo should say "This meetup really whips the llamas ass", the head (resized) should go underneath the text.
Here is a link to the font I want to use:
I attached a photo of the llama I want to use but I only want the head and the BG replaced with the hotline miami background.