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Rendering clouds tip


Hold the Alt key when applying rendering clouds filter. The efect is subtile different and PS memorize this setting.
... that's good .. I had a play with it .. I like it :righton: :} :}
Yeah i read about this not too long ago. But I didn't know that it kept your settings that way from then after....how do you switch it back???
tranquil222 said:
Yeah i read about this not too long ago. But I didn't know that it kept your settings that way from then after....how do you switch it back???

When I applied clouds again not holding ALT key I get the same effect on a new layer. Now I tried to do the same and the effect was like default settings. [stuned] [confused]
Can that be something wrong with my photoshop?
[confused] From what I can see, CTRL+F = normal cloud render and ALT+CTRL+F = higher contrasted cloud render. In either case, all renderings are random and I don't see how PS remembers???

;) Cool tip Lily! Thanks for sharing! :righton:
