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Removing Lines showing from paths that have been created for shade areas.


Hi guys,

Sorry I'm finding it a bit tricky to search for an answer to this mainly because I'm so new and I guess I don't have the terminology down just yet...

Basically I've scanned a black and white illustration, removed the background and created a new layer behind the black lines, where I have been using the pen tool to create shapes for highlighting and shadow effects. The one thing that is puzzling me is that the path-lines are showing through, and I'm not sure how to remove them? Here is a cropped picture to explain:


Thanks in advance guys, sorry I know this is probably a pretty elementary question!
Normaly I would suggest going to the paths panel and deselecting the path by clicking somewhere off the path. However from your image it looks like you have "The marching ants" which would suggest a selection - try Ctrl + D (or going to the selection menu and clicking Deselect).


Glad I could help.
I remember my first steps in PS using the pen tool (very important) and not getting the ******* line away until by sheer frustration I pressed esc...
Do not try to find this in any PS manual...o_O
Whenever you you use the Pen Tool to create shapes, it will always create a path that will sometimes show. This path resides in the Paths Panel.

In addition to what's already been suggested, you can also hide the path by hitting Cmd/Cntrl + H.
