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Specific Removing hand from shoulder.

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Caio Stédile

New Member
Hi there folks, hope everything is fine!

Straight to the point: I don't have a clue on how to use PS and even though I'm usually self-thought when it comes to this sort of issues, it's obviously going to take me a lot more time and energy then it will from whoever is used and loves PS :p

So, I'm using one of these pics in my LinkedIn, and needed to get rid of my ex's hand and the blue light next to my neck, or, in the other picture, get rid of the hand and "sort of" of the plant behind me. I don't care about the background in either of them, so feel free to change de background if it makes it easier for you guys to work on it. I just want it to look more professional.

Can some kind souls help me?

Thank you in advance,



Mod Edit: One edit per request.
OMG, that's AWESOME!!!

I honestly don't need the other picture after this one, but can you do it? So I can have both!

I actually laughed out loud from seeing the picture :joy:. So perfect, and it'd probably take me a few months to get a much worse result :joy::joy::joy:

Thank you very VERY much! If you cannot do the other one, it's fine, but I would love it!
The rule of one edit per request has been in effect long enough for all of the core members to know not to complete a double request and that it should be reported. This rule was desired and implemented by the owner of the forum. No more excuses.
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