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Specific Remove red eye and bag strap


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Is there any chance anybody would be able to remove the red eye and the bag strap please?

Thankyou in advance! :)

I gave it my best shot. I included two version. One I straightened the picture as well. Note that I had to utilize eyes from a different image as redeye correction would not work in this case. If the eyes look strange and you have a reference image of yourself with a front view I could use them instead. Hope you like the edits.


That angle was killing me...kudos to @Dennis1507 for straightening it with a crop.
I took a try and also corrected the angle of the shot by rotating and filling in the missing area. Those paving stones were a bit tricky.
The cloning out of the bag and strap was a toughie but did my best.
There was no real red eye to speak of - the pupils were blown out. Wasn't sure what color her eyes were but did my best there as well.
Sharpened it overall but there was a strange contrast to the image especially in the shirt and jacket.
Overall - a really nice shot and a beautiful memory!

riverside edited.jpg
Thankyou everyone for all the time you put into this!! The angle was also annoying me so thankyou for changing this! 😂
