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Regarding the creation of web buttons


New Member
Hello all.

Basically, I would like to ask something on creating buttons in Photoshop. I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended fyi. Anyway, as many know, normally buttons are made using shapes, as shown in most/all Youtube tutorials.

However, I'd like to know if a button can be made using brush.
For example, you download a brush set of planets. Then you paint a 300px planet on photoshop. Then can the 300px planet(made using a brush) be a button, without involving the use of any shapes?

I've tried googling about buttons made mainly/solely using Photoshop brushes. However, after 1-2 hours of searching, I gave up. I couldn't find anything, apart from making use of shapes to create buttons.

Therefore, I hope I can find help here. I'm really sorry if this is in the wrong section because I'm new here. (:

Thank you :D

(Btw, the buttons are just navigations buttons, like those in blogs)
