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Specific refine edges


Hi guys,

I would need this hand written signature to be a bit more even, refined edges. This is a scan from paper and i removed the background, but the edges are quiet bad and also the lines doesnt look even. I would like to make it look the same line size with smooth edges, thank you for your help in advance!

Hi bali92
All I did is what others have already suggested to you in another post. I set up some vectors following the path of the writing and then just stroked it with a brush. By controlling the shape of the brush (you would also change color, size, etc, etc). I have attached a PNG file with an oval brush at 45 degrees and also attached the PSD file for you to change as you desire.
Hope that helps
John Wheeler



Hi bali92
All I did is what others have already suggested to you in another post. I set up some vectors following the path of the writing and then just stroked it with a brush. By controlling the shape of the brush (you would also change color, size, etc, etc). I have attached a PNG file with an oval brush at 45 degrees and also attached the PSD file for you to change as you desire.
Hope that helps
John Wheeler

View attachment 108197
Thank you so much ! Thats great !
Hi bali92
All I did is what others have already suggested to you in another post. I set up some vectors following the path of the writing and then just stroked it with a brush. By controlling the shape of the brush (you would also change color, size, etc, etc). I have attached a PNG file with an oval brush at 45 degrees and also attached the PSD file for you to change as you desire.
Hope that helps
John Wheeler
Hi John -
Were both offered signatures done in PS? How did you create vectors in PS? I'm curious about your workflow since I struggled with this trying a few different methods in PS but couldn't acheive the clean lines...
- Jeff
Hi Jeff
- I loaded your image
- Created several Paths down the center line of your image
- Set the Brush tool to the desired brush (size, round or oval, etc etc)
- Turn off visibility of your original Layer
- Created a new blank Layer
- Stroked the Paths

Here are some helpx links from Photoshop that might help

Basics on creating paths: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/editing-paths.html

Managing Paths: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/paths.html

Stroking Paths: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/adding-color-paths.html

Hope the workflow and links help you move forward
John Wheeler
This post may be useful to @JeffK and @bali92
The image above shows the original signature. The thin line at the center of the stroke is the Path I made using Pen tool. For convenience, I separated the Paths into each letter as shown at bottom right of the above image - here, all paths are selected. At the bottom left is are layers where in each layer above Layer 0, I tried out different brush strokes, sometimes using oval brush, or round brush or different sizes.
@bali92 can make use of the PSD file in Post#4 by @thebestcpu and experiment with different brush strokes until a suitable output is attained.
