There are some nice changes you made. I like the hair and the eye color changes. To be completely honest though so you can improve, which is what I can only assume you want to do.

The skin is a mess. It looks like you blurred the heck out of it and then added back some noise for texture.
I'm attaching a de-aging pic I'm working on right now and it is by no means finished, but I think it might give you an idea on where you want to go when doing a de-aging.
Subtlety is the key and less is WAY more. First off for your skin textures, a well used effective technique is duplicating you original layer twice. On one of the duplicates, run either a gaussian or surface blur so that the colors are in place, but there is no texture or definition to the skin. On the layer above the blur, run the high pass filter till the facial details are just visible and set layer to either hard or vivid light. This effectively gives you a color layer and a texture layer that you can manipulate separately.
One the layers are separated, you can go in on the high pass layer and use whichever technique you prefer to get rid of wrinkles and such.
The other essential detail of de-aging is recognizing what happens to the body when you age(besides wrinkles) and reversing those attributes. I've listed these thing in other posts, but I'll briefly list them here.
To make someone look younger "in general" the nose should be smaller. The eyes should be slightly larger, lifted and brighter.
Wrinkles(not natural facial creases) should be softened or removed. Ears if visible should be slightly smaller. Nose should be
slightly smaller and shorter. Lips should be fuller(on women much fuller) jowls should be gotten rid of and the over all appearance of the face should be fuller(chubbier if you will)
Focus on these aspects and I guarantee you next one will show major improvements.