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Rectangular Marquees..


New Member
Hello there! I've played around on Photoshop for a few years now, I'm not a whizz but I like to think I can get by. However, recently my boyfriend has started fiddling around with photoshop on our PC and now I've noticed something that wasn't happening before!!

Basically, the rectangular marquee will only make a square, not a rectangle. I've looked this up online and it says that to make the rectangular marquee make a square, you hold down shift - but I'm not holding down shift, it's doing it on it's own! Has some button been locked that shouldn't be locked, or is something changed in the settings? As you can imagine, it makes it really difficult to crop images!!

Any help would be much appreciated...
Welcome Kohoutek :)

You talk about Rectangualr Marquee but at the same time you are talking about cropping. I'm confused, are you talking about the Rectangular Marquee tool or the Crop tool? In case you talk about the crop tool; you probably have the same width and height entered in your option bar with the crop tool selected.
If you talk about the rectangular marquee tool; check the option bar when you use the tool, most likely you have under Style, Fixed Size or Fixed Aspect Ratio selected.
Gaussian said:
Welcome Kohoutek :)
If you talk about the rectangular marquee tool; check the option bar when you use the tool, most likely you have under Style, Fixed Size or Fixed Aspect Ratio selected.

That's fantastic! Just altered the fixed aspect ratio back to normal and it's working again. I think the confusion about cropping and rectangular marquee comes from that I used the rectangular marquee to select part of an image, and then go up to the menu bar and select "crop image" from up there.... But that's solved my problem, thank you very much..... :)
