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Illustrator Recognize fonts after outlines created


Well-Known Member
I've created some stuff in AI CS6 long time ago and my problem now is that I dont remember the name of the fonts I used cause I made them outlines.

Is there a way to find it somehow from the saved archive or something?
I always have this trouble after creating outlines...

What I do now is after saving add a little txt note on what font's you've used. Otherwise, write the same text and then scroll through the fonts until you find it.
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Adding a text note is always a good idea, as Inkz has said. You can write as much as you want about how your image was created, and any notes you wish to keep & put it all on it's own layer. Then just hide the layer.

Whenever you wish to recap, unhide the layer.
I name my layers with the font, leaving some of the descriptive text. Saves me much headache. For your current problem, I would suggest -- though it is a PIA -- making your font samples large, choosing those which look close, and applying them until you recognize. This assumes you haven't since deleted any fonts . . .
Isnt this 1 of the beauties of AI is that no matter how far down the line or whatever computer you are using you can always use the history panel to go back to the stage before you created outlines
