SCTRWD said:
Just one minor point: if you Ctrl-Click "blue map" layer to select it, then Ctrl+Alt+Down will make dupes on the same layer. And you won't need shift-select and merge steps...
Yes, either will work...........trying to stay simple.
We are going to have to do some cutting or selecting the area you choose to raise. Select the pen tool..........
Read carefully! Zoom in on the area you would like to select for raising with the pen tool and carefully select the area. (you could also use the Polygonal Lasso Tool if the Pen tool is too difficult).
Once you have the area selected with the Pen tool, right click and select "make a selection". You should be left with a nice marching ant selection around the area you chose to raise! Now hit cmd/cntrl + J to copy the selection to a new layer. Name this new layer "cut out layer".
Select the Move tool and use the UP directional arrow and press it 10 times. You should now have something that looks like this......
Next, create a new layer above the "cut out layer" and name it "Blue layer for cut out".....
With the "blue layer for cut out" layer highlighted, cmd/cntrl + click the "cut out layer" THUMBNAIL. This will form a marching ant selection around the map. Now press alt/option + delete to fill that selection with blue. Hit cmd/cntrl + D to deselect. It should look like this.....
Now move the "Blue layer for cut out" layer below the "cut out layer"....errrr layer. It should look like this......
Highlight the "blue layer for cut out"............
Repeat the fun part we did earlier! Hold the alt/option + cmd/cntrl and hit the down directional arrow 12 times! This will create the underlying blue extruded layer one layer at a time. Again, highlight the last "blue layer for cut out" layer by clicking, then hold the shift button and hit the first "blue layer for cut out" layer, this should highlight all of the "blue layer for cut out" layers we just created.........if so hit cmd/contrl + E to merge all of these layers. It should now look like this.......
And finally!!!! Merge the "cut out layer" and the "blue layer for cut out" layer. Then, select your move tool and use the DOWN directional arrow to move the cut out with its extrusion down and into position!...........
The rest is about adding a BG layer (white) and adjusting the opacity to suit your translucency needs!