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Raised TEXT!


Active Member
Tutorial on raised text...

+Open a new file at 400x200 pixels with the dpi set at 72 and the mode set to RGB.
+Fill the backround with a colour/texture/design.
+Create a new layer and call it "Text". Choose the same colour as the backround and fill the layer..
+With the text layer selected, add a gaussian blur, set to 3
+CTRL+CLICK on the text layer to select it.
+Select filter/render/lighting effects and apply these settings or similar...
* Style: 2AMSPOT
* Light Type: SPOTLIGHT
* Intensity: 24
* Focus: 34
* Gloss: 0
* Material: -46
* Exposure: 0
* Ambience: 4
* Texture Channel: #4
* White is High: Checked
* Height: 50
+Manitulate the light to come from any direction you wish in a circle shape.
+de-select the text.

Finished product should look similar...

Have Fun! Be sure to show us yours!

I haven't done this one but a quick read I would say here.......

+Create a new layer and call it "Text". Choose the same colour as the backround and fill the layer..

sounds like you fill the text with the background colour [:I
