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Question: Non Image Background Colour?


New Member
Hi All,

Ive been a user of Photoshop for a long while. Ive stumbled on a "problem" (feature) which I cant seem to undo. In all previous versions of PS, Ive had a grey background. That is, the background beyond the image (ie: When the image isnt full screen). Somehow, Ive managed to change it to black. No idea how Ive done it.

I tried to embrace the change, but since I've been so used to the neutral grey background, I find I'm missing things in my edits. Ive tried searching in many different ways, but in the flood of information, I cant find what must be a simple setting.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks!

(I'm running Photoshop CS3. If Ive been unclear, I can post screen shots.)
preferences >Transparency &Gamut >Transparency Settings >grid color
Grab the paint bucket tool, choose the color you want(gray in your case) and shift click in your background area.
