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Question From A Rookie

Joen Rude Falsner

New Member

1. I am about to launch a website, but I need a header, but for now I just want to add a simple logo.

However I would like to know if it is possible to save a photo where everything around has been removed using the quick selection and lasso tool?

In example this photo: dogbehavioronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Pug.jpg

I want just the dog and nothing more. Would this be possible and how would you do so? Anyone familiar with a video tutorial?

2. Also I have a question more. I want to put a face on a dogs chest like on a picture like this:

animalsw.com/wallpaper/Men-in-Black-Pug-Dog/ - How do I do that and does anyone have a video tutorial?
Pen tool around the Pug (lol) then refine edges for a smoother finish then once happy hit Ctrl+J to duplicate the selection.

Welcome anyway.
If you don't know the pen tool, you really really should learn it. If you need the image right away, you can use the tools you mention, but once you do, I suggest zooming in really close to adjust the quick select with that tool and the lasso. Then apply a layer mask. Like Inkz said, refine the mask edge (or the selection) with smoothing and feathering.

Then take a small soft brush and brush the outer edges of the dog to restore some of the softness of the fur. Go back and forth with the white and the black brushes to get the furry edge you want. You might even want to search the web for dog hair brushes. I bet someone makes them!

There are tutorials for extractions like this that use a different method. Usually geared to dark on light, but yours is light on dark so it can work. I just did one with far lighter, thinner strands of blond hair on dark and it came out OK.

Here are a bunch of beginner extraction techniques:


Here are some pen tool tutorials:



It usually takes more than one tutorial (or did for me) and lots of practice to really understand the pen tool, but you can use it with these instructions.Show us your results and the images you put together.

You do not have to use links. You can just upload your images. Go to the reply window and click on the square icon. Choose the tab that says from computer. We'd like to see what you get, and we can also help you more if you need it.
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