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Question about applying layers to non-layered pics


New Member
Hey all...
I have a .jpg of the letter Z. I'd like to apply the "format" of this letter to the rest of the letters in my last name.
Is it possible to copy the 'Z' format (without layers) and apply it to ANY other letter, i.e., A, B, C...
My jargon may not be 100%...I'm still learning the proper terms to describe what it is I want to accomplish!
you want to ad Z to an image of letters(not text) correct?
If you have two separate images just copy the z image and paste it to the other image of letters, you can they move it around to where you want to place it.........Could be I do not understand your question sorry
You mean layer style or effects? If so in the layers palette, alt+drag the effects to apply it to other layers.
Hawkeye, you have the idea...sorry iDad, I know it was confusing!
The 'Z' is very elaborate (paint splatters, colrs, textured), however, there are no layers to it...if it had layers at one point, they have all been since merged or flattened.
I guess its impossible to apply layers to another pic if no layers exist, eh?!?

Thanks again!!!
All you need to do is remove background to edit the image, and add your effects
Well, that's just it...I'm very new to working in Photoshop (still in the crawl phase) and am SLOWLY figuring things out. I would post a pic, but this server's space is sooooo limited that you'd barely be able to see the letters! LOL
I guess I just have to keep applying layers with different effects until I get the desired results...does that sound right?
