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psd file not opening because of program error


New Member
Hello, Every1 !

'm new to forum and I need your help for solving a problem.
While working today on psCS5 (portable) pc turned off 'cause of power failure in the middle of my work. Now, ps showing massage, '' Could not complete your request because of a program error. '' But, ps is showing thumbnail view of the same file & other files are opening properly.
I have also tried to open same file in PsCS5 (portable) and PsCS6 ( Beta ) on my another machine but, facing same situation.

The error is clearly not the program,
Most likely, that one file.
I suggest re-creating that file the best you can.
Because, it is usually very difficult to fix a broken / corrupted file, and in most cases impossible.
well creating the file in ps portable is using an illegal hacked version of photoshop not endorsed by adobe. The reason the hackers call it portable because it is about 20% of the size of real photoshop and to get it so small they have to strip out a lot of functions and file formats are often corrupted.

If you google psd repair it will try and repair it for you.
