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PS_CS4 Clone Stamp Tool question.


Retired Administrator
I have CS3 and CS5 and one thing that's different in CS5 is a preview in the brush of your selection in the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush.

Did CS4 have this or is it new with CS5?
I have CS3 and CS5 and one thing that's different in CS5 is a preview in the brush of your selection in the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush.

Did CS4 have this or is it new with CS5?

Yes in CS4 Extended, I guess the same for just CS4, when you sample a part of an image with the Clone Stamp/Healing Brush, you get a preview in the brush that you are using.

Hope this answers your question :)
thought I was seeing things with it at first. LOL I love that feature...very helpful!
thought I was seeing things with it at first. LOL I love that feature...very helpful!

I'v only known PS to have this, Elements 7 was my first PS, I found it to limited, so bought CS4 Extended, (Student, so much cheaper :)), and stuck with it, but I feel I may buy CS5 Extended, as this will last me for quite some time, as student card runs out in a year, and will not be able to pay the full or upgrade price :(
