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[PS CS5] Increase / Decrease Rubber or brush or Selection tools


Active Member
[PS CS5] Increase / Decrease Rubber or brush or Selection tools

Hallo to everybody,
fro a good work-flow I'd like to learn this shortcuts very well:

1 - Increase / Decrease Brush dimensions

1 - Increase / Decrease Rubber dimensions

1 - Increase / Decrease Selection tool dimensions

Bur, for example, I've read official guide and it suggest for Brush [ oder ] but these didn't work! I tried also ALT+ [ and ALT + ] but nothing...

And maybe there's a way to make that ( Increase/decrease ) by scrolling mouse?


(I've macbookpro 10.5.8 intel)
[ and ] decrees and increase the brush size in all the tools
If it's not working or doesn't seem to be working make sure:
The Caps Lock key isn't set
None of the pull down menus are highlighted (press ESC)
The settings are set in the Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+Shft+Ctrl+K
As Steve said, [ and ] should work, as they are the default increase/decrease brush size keyboard shortcuts.
